
Where can the digital journey go?

Digitisation is a megatrend, which pervades both the health and care service sectors. Information and communication technologies are increasingly involved in increasing the provision of health and care services:e.g. Telemedicine, monitoring and medical apps, digital patient records, Ambient Assisted Living, ambulatory intensive care. Frequently, the need for technical support is justified by the lack of specialists (doctors, nurses).

The healthcare sector in Germany is currently undergoing a transformation to digital processes. The signs point to change. But what does the future look like? Is everything digitised that can be? Is this new technological innovation really necessary?

According to a recent study by the Handelsblatt (22.06.2016) which involved more than 60 commentators, the experts are largely in agreement that the health sector still has a lot to catch up with other industries: 73 percent of the respondents find that the industry currently has only a small amount of digitisation, and it has reached other industries further.

The Süddeutsche Zeitung (Wirtschaft, 20.08.2016) talks about the diagnosis and treatment of diseases by the "homoelectronicus" and asks: will we soon have to sign a data protection document before the treatment?

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Digitization has the potential to change the entire industry. Breakthrough takes time - but there is also the right or the wrong time to get started.

Will we become "Homo Electronicus"?

The Googles, IBMs and Intels of the world are developing a huge business field in developments such as bioelectronics. Pharmacists GlaxoSmithKline and Google are researching into the early detection of epileptic seizures. Will future brain waves be analysed from Silicon Valley? (SZ, 20.08.2016)

Many challenges in digitization are particularly evident in the health care sector because, on the one hand, this is the best possible help for life and health and, on the other hand, the most sensitive data. Technical improvements must always be seen in the context of their return to the image of man and medicine (ver.di area Innovation and Good Labor - "Good work and digitalisation" September 2015)